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    作者: 日期:2022-03-08 点击量:

    题 目:Dynamic weak-significant variable selection of error component model

    via robust MM algorithm


    时 间:2022310日(周)1330-1430

    地 点:6号学院楼500会议室

    主办单位:yh86银河国际 浙江省2011“数据科学与大数据分析协同创新中心”


    The penalized-likelihood based variable selection methods rely heavily on fixed thresholding functions to carry out static variable selection, and as a result, weak-significant variables (i.e., variables that are deemed important, but whose regression coefficients are small in absolute values) are often kicked out completely. In addition, the tuning parameters of these methods are usually selected by cross-validation, which only use the average information of partial data. In this paper, based on MM algorithm, we propose a dynamic threshold function for variable selection, which use the information of the complete dataset and can retain important variables with weak signal. The methodology is applied to panel data with random effects, and a two-step estimation procedure is proposed. We show that the new majorizing function has the same convergence property as the original one, and the performance of the two functions are compared numerically. Numerical studies show that when error distributions are heavy-tailed or skewed, our methods work better than existing variable selection techniques, especially in keeping important variables with weak signal.




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