题 目:Sparse solutions to quadratic optimization with random data
报告人:Professor Jiming Peng
时 间:2012年6月8日(周五) 上午10:00
地 点:6号学院楼402室
报告人简介:Dr. Jiming Peng is at present a Professor in the Department of Industrial and Enterprise System Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He received a PhD degree in operations research in Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands in 2001. Then he joined the department of computing and software in McMaster University, Canada. He moved to UIUC in the summer of 2006.
His research covers numerours areas with the field of mathematical optimization such as numeric methods for variational inequalities and complementarity problems, interior-point methods, approximation, and applications to data mining, computer vision and finance. So far he has published a couple dozens papers in peer reviewed journals such as Math. Program. and SIAM J. Optim., and more that a doze papers in top rank conputer science or IEEE conference proceedings. He has received several award from his works in optimization including the finalist of the Tucker prize in 2003, and Premier research excellence from the government of Ontario in Canada. He serves in the edior-board of the journal “Optimization Letters” since 2006.